As a nation, over the past year of being in and out of lockdowns, we unsurprisingly have become much more aware of our mental and physical health. It is not only our own wellbeing we are more conscious of, we have also become increasingly more aware of our friends and families wellbeing since the first lockdown began.
Having good mental and physical health is incredibly important. As you may have noticed over the lockdown period, these are linked and it is difficult to be physically healthy without being mentally healthy and vice versa.
Taking time for yourself
To maintain or improve your overall wellbeing you must ensure you have a daily routine where you are taking time for yourself. It could be as simple as doing any activity that you love for twenty to thirty minutes a day. This may include reading, watching films, having an exercise routine, trying new relaxation techniques, gardening or even a bit of DIY around the house. Doing something you love keeps you feeling refreshed, gives a sense of accomplishment and will ultimately improve your general wellbeing.
The benefits of physical exercise
As we all know, not everyone enjoys doing home workouts or going for a run everyday but we still need to make sure we are doing something to get our bodies moving and our blood pumping. Going for walks in your local area is a great way to keep yourself active and has great benefits for your mental health too. Some of these benefits are; improved quality of sleep, reduced stress and feelings of depression, healthier bone and joint health, strengthened muscles, faster metabolism, a boosted immune system, greater heart health and increased lung capacity. By getting outside, moving your body and exploring what is in your local area you will start to notice the positive impact it can have on your physical and mental health; It is also a great activity you can do with your family or on your own if you want to escape the house!
For those needing some inspiration!
For those of you that enjoy home workouts or if you just want a head-start climbing our walls at Clip ‘n Climb Ipswich, then visit our Facebook page where you will find a variety of fitness videos, check them out and give one a go!